Langfristige Veränderungen für eine bessere Welt
Wir sind stolz darauf, unsere Ratings in einem international anerkannten Rahmen offenzulegen
Die neueste Nilfisk Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung wurde von EcoVadis im November 2023 vorgenommen - mit 71 von 100 möglichen Punkten. Diese Einstufung wird mit einer Goldmedaille ausgezeichnet.
Wissenschaftsbasierte Ziele – Initiative
Die wissenschaftlich fundierten Ziele bieten Nilfisk einen klar definierten Weg zur Reduzierung der Treibhausgasemissionen, um die globale Erwärmung im Einklang mit den Zielen des Pariser Abkommens zu begrenzen.
Projekt Zur Offenlegung Von CO2-emissionen
Nilfisk legt seine Klimamaßnahmen und Erfolge über das CDP, einer internationalen gemeinnützigen Organisation, offen.
Im Jahr 2022 erhielt Nilfisk zum dritten Mal in Folge die Note A- und bleibt damit in der Kategorie "Leadership"
UN Global Compact
Nilfisk ist 2010 dem UN Global Compact beigetreten und legt seither die Leistungen des Unternehmens in Bezug auf die 10 Leitprinzipien offen.
ESG Transparency Partner
Im Rahmen unserer Bemühungen um ESG-Transparenz berichtet Nilfisk auf der ESG-Berichtsplattform von Nasdaq und ist als Nasdaq ESG Transparency Partner 2022 zertifiziert.
Nilfisk ist Mitglied von Sedex, einer globalen Organisation, die sich für die Verbesserung ethischer und verantwortungsvoller Geschäftspraktiken in globalen Lieferketten einsetzt.
Certificates and reports
Nilfisk's Certificates and Reports
At Nilfisk, we want to bring transparency to our customers concerning our efforts at ensuring that products are safe and compliant. Nilfisk’s policy is to comply with all applicable standards, as well as any regulatory or legal requirements directed at Nilfisk or our products. In this section, we have provided Nilfisk’s Business Code of Conduct, Nilfisk’s Statement on Modern Slavery Act, and our ISO and Product Compliance Declarations.
Sustainability Report 2023
Our latest Sustainability report covers the financial year 2023. We have set new ambitious targets for sustainability and plan to be leading the way on environmental, social, and governance-related matters.
Nilfisk Human Rights Policy
We consider respect for the internationally recognized human rights a backbone of our sustainability work and we want to ensure the full and irrevocable application of human rights by assessing this on a broad corporate level, but also on a country and site basis.
Nilfisk awarded with EcoVadis Gold Medal
Nilfisk has industry-leading ambitions for sustainability and recent efforts are now awarded with the EcoVadis Gold Medal. Thereby Nilfisk places itself in the top 5 percent of all global companies rated by EcoVadis
Nilfisk’s Business Code of Conduct
Our Business Code of Conduct expresses our commitment to promoting behavioral standards and accountability throughout the company. It describes the fundamental rules governing the way we act internally and externally.
Supplier Code of Conduct
We set high standards and Nilfisk’ s Supplier Code of Conduct outlines the expectations for the behavior and actions of our global product or service suppliers in your dealings with us.
Quality and Environmental Management
Nilfisk has an ISO-certified quality- and environmental-management system that provides us with focus and structure. ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 are worldwide standards administered by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). You can find the certificates right below.
Product Compliance Declarations
At Nilfisk, we want to bring transparency to our customers regarding our work in ensuring safe and compliant products. Nilfisk’s policy is to comply with all applicable standards, regulatory & legal requirements that are directed at Nilfisk and our products, such as REACH, RoHS, WEEE and Conflict Minerals.
Nilfisk’s Statement on Modern Slavery Act
At Nilfisk, we believe that this initiative is an important step towards increased transparency for companies operating in the UK, with a focus on preventing serious violations that occur in global supply chains. The initiative is aimed at slavery, forced labor, human trafficking, and more.
ESG Factbook 2023-24
Nilfisk’s ESG Factbook provides a comprehensive overview of Nilfisk performance on key ESG indicators. The factbook includes Nilfisk ESG performance and strategy, approach to the EU Taxonomy, and performance on prioritized external ESG ratings and benchmarks. This Factbook supplements the Nilfisk Sustainability Report 2023 providing additional metrics and data points.
ESG Factbook 2023-24
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Policy
Sustainability Report 2023
Business Code Of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
EcoVadis Sustainability Certificate 2023
2023 Climate Change Nilfisk Holding AS
SBTI Nilfisk
2022 Climate Change Nilfisk Holding AS
Sustainability Report 2022
Human Rights Policy
EU and US Sanctions - list of countries
Nilfisk Data Ethics Policy 2024
Nilfisk’s Statement on Modern Slavery Act
REACH Declaration
Nilfisk's Occupational Health and Safety charter
Conflict Minerals Declaration
Substances of Concern Policy
RoHS Declaration
WEEE Declaration
Proposition 65 Declaration
POP Declaration
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
GHG Verification Statement 2021
Nilfisk CSR Report 2021 (English)
Nilfisk CSR Report 2020 (English)
Nilfisk CSR Report 2019 (English)
Nilfisk CSR Report 2018 (English)
Nilfisk CSR Report 2017 (English)
Nilfisk CSR Report 2016 (English)